Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Fistful of Frags

I started playing this game about a week ago and I've found it very enjoyable, it's quite simple to learn and can be played by pretty much anyone but it can be hard to master. It runs on the source engine so you know it'll be a stable game with very few bugs, from my experience i found that once in a while you will either walk through obstacles or fall through the floor but besides that it's a very stable game. The graphics aren't the best but I guess that's to be expected since it started off as a half life 2 mod which was then turned into a standalone version. Although I haven't played the mod i suspect it's pretty much the same game just with a few more features compared to the standalone version at the moment.
You can get the game from either the website or on steam, it's free at the moment and will probably stay that way for a while. Have fun playing maybe I'll see you online.

Fistful of Frags Website
Fistful of Frags Steam Page


  1. This is my favourite minecraft meme

    1. Thank you for the feedback i enjoyed reading the story about you're dog it was great i love all of the Lilly-livered poofters as you do.
